Ideas to promote your virtual hybrid events

Mahi Gupta
4 min readJun 25, 2021


Promoting your virtual hybrid events

There are a lot of arrangements that are needed to be made to pull off a successful event. But all these arrangements will be irrelevant if people don’t come to your event. And to make sure you get attendees at your event. You need to spread the word for your event. But this is a significant challenge for every event organiser.

Promoting an event can be a bit difficult. But this difficulty increases massively when the event is digital or virtual. Since conventional marketing techniques won’t work effectively for promoting a virtual hybrid event. So you must be wondering, what is the solution? What should you do? And so on.

To promote a virtual hybrid event, you need to deploy new techniques. And some of these techniques we are going to discuss today. So stay in tune with us.

6 Most effective ideas to promote your virtual hybrid event

  1. Create a website for your event

The first step to promote your event is to make a website dedicated to your event. This website should contain all the necessary information about your event like, what your event is about? Or who would be the guests or speakers in your event? And Why should people attend your event?

Also, you need to mention other information like the date and time of your event. Also, don’t forget to include the registration button. Apart from this, you need to use SEO friendly keywords on your website. It will help your website to rank higher on a search engine. This means your website can be easily found by anyone.

2. Social Media Marketing

The most popular and impactful way to promote anything is using social media. It might sound easy to promote your event, but it is a bit difficult. Because there is already lots of content on social media. And the challenge is to make your content visible to users on social media. However, with the right strategy and content, you can generate a lot of traffic on your event website through social media. For this, you need to prepare compelling content about your event. And a strategy to make this content visible to as many people on social media as possible.

3. Email Marketing

You must have seen newsletters in your emails. These newsletters can be from brands or individuals. And sometimes, you must have checked a few of these newsletters. And there is also a possibility that you found a few of them helpful or relevant. This is an example of email marketing.

You can use email marketing for your event too. Use the list of email contacts you have and email them about your event. Also, ask them to click the subscribe button. Those who are interested in your event will subscribe to your newsletter. And you send them emails like the last date for registering for your event. Or a reminder of your event and so on.

4. YouTube Marketing

YouTube is among the most popular websites and the biggest video sharing platform on the internet. One can literally find videos about anything on YouTube. And the reason for this is that it has one of the biggest user bases on the internet. So you should consider YouTube for promoting your event.

To promote your event on YouTube, you need to create an account. And now all you have to do is continuously post videos regarding your event on this channel. This can be anything like preparation for the event or BTS (Behind The Scenes).

5. Promoting the speakers at your event

Another way to grab the attention of the people is by promoting the speakers at your event. This will attract the followers of the speakers or the guests to your event. You will have a broader reach on social media and the internet.

Also, you can ask the speakers or the guests to promote themselves. Tell them to inform their family and friends about the event. Also, spread this news on their social media accounts.

6. Ask sponsors to promote your event

Apart from raising funds, there are multiple benefits of getting sponsorship. And one of them is event promotion. You can ask the sponsors of your event to promote your event on their social media accounts. This will give you access to their followers. And you will be able to spread your message to them.

Also, the image of your event will be linked with that of sponsors. So try to get as many and highly popular sponsors for your event.

Using these techniques, you can promote your virtual hybrid event.



Mahi Gupta

On my way to create innovative & interesting tech & marketing content for my readers. Technology researcher, content marketer & traveller by heart.