How to Host a Virtual Property Show

Mahi Gupta
4 min readMar 10, 2021


2020, the year started off well but did not end so well for most of us. It came with upheaval of events and affected lives terribly, especially businesses. At such difficult times, virtual became a new norm. Businesses and organisations worldwide have completely transformed their live on-ground event into a visually rich virtual space. The unannounced advent of the global pandemic has been a catalyst for the precipitate transformation of event formats.

The world has witnessed an exponential growth in the percentage of virtual events over the past few years. Virtual events sound futuristic but they have been prevalent for a very long time. Businesses across the globe are utilising virtual event technology to reach and connect with their remote employees and global delegates for a longer period of time. Truth be told, the COVID-19 outbreak was a disaster but life did not stop. It motivated most organisations to take their business into the digital space.

The future of the virtual event industry is at its peak. Today, right from day to day meetings, conferences to town halls, trade fairs, property shows, AGMs, exhibitions, and all the other sorts of physical events are hosted under the umbrella of virtual event platforms. To ensure a phosphorus virtual event, leveraging the correct event technology and creating a beneficial virtual event strategy is a must. It will help you achieve flawless outcomes and boost revenues for your organisation.

Each day planners and marketers are creating innovative ideas to engage people with virtual events. If you are looking to host a virtual property show but don’t know how to start then you have come to the right place. In this post, we have briefly enumerated how to host a successful virtual property show and achieve desired outcomes. Let’s get started!

What are Virtual Property Shows?

Virtual property shows are an online event which is very much similar to an offline property show. This event provides attendees with an interactive 3D online experience while showcasing a broader list of real estate properties, apartments, houses and villas. It enables you to filter out the best in-house properties and services that are suitable according to your needs and standards.

Benefits of Hosting Virtual Real Estate Fairs

1. Easy Access

It enables the attendees to attend a virtual property show from the comfort of their home without any hassle of commuting to a physical event.

2. Cost Saving

You can reach a vast number of audiences without any such expenses with the help of a virtual event platform. The cost involved in renting a venue, making arrangements and so on gets escalated with virtual property fairs. Attract global audiences and connect with them seamlessly at reduced costs.

3. Hassle-Free Setup

Planning a virtual event can have much shorter turnaround times as compared to a physical event. You can hold multiple conversations with ample prospects at the same time.

4. Exchange Information

Digital tools are a simple way to exchange information and you save a good amount of papers which means you are also contributing to the environment. Apart from that Digital information records are safe and accessible for a longer duration.

5. Real-Time Analytics

Real-time Analytics enables a host to track their attendees’ moves and also capture each and every event related data. This feature helps in generating real-time analytics that helps in measuring the success of the overall event.

How to Host a Virtual Property Show

Finding the right place has now become more convenient since the dawn of virtual events. Virtual event platform has facilitated numerous real estate agents to host ‘open houses’ and reach prospects globally. Let’s take a look at how to host a virtual property show.

1. Create an Appealing Virtual Property Fair Microsite

Property buyers and investors should feel attracted when taking a glance at your landing page even if it is just for contact purposes. The long-lasting impression can be made, and the bolder it is the better. Create a well structured and easy to navigate microsite for an event to help your potential buyers reach out to you conveniently.

2. Easy to Fill Registration Forms

When hosting a virtual property show over the internet it should be kept in mind that it’s not only showcasing the property but encourages and allows potential buyers to reach out to you. Easily attract your interested audience at your event by keeping flexible and easy to fill registration forms.

3. Advertise via Social Media

Introduce a specific hashtag for your virtual property show in general. It will encourage people to use the hashtag in their personal social media accounts whenever they post anything related to the event. Thus, resulting in creating an awareness of your property name. Make your events public and advertising on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., can boost the popularity and relevance of your event.

4. Showcase the Property and Essential Information

While showcasing the property online, it should be noted that the potential buyers may also be interested in the background and contact information of the property/organization.

● Create and generate virtual business cards. This will help the potential buyers reach out to you efficiently and have discussions even outside the event.

● Keep interacting with the attendees via live audio/video chats to keep them engaged in the event and to develop curiosity.

● Incorporate useful video/clips of the property or the area. By providing more information, more buyers will be inclined to take an interest.

Over to you

Amidst the pandemic, people have developed self-awareness of social distancing. Such awareness endangers traditional events and shifts the trend to virtual events. Property can also be showcased virtually. Virtual events enable the attendees to join from anywhere in the world, thus providing a wider reach, from the comfort of their own home. The above-mentioned points attempt to develop a clear understanding of how virtual property shows works and why they are becoming the trend.



Mahi Gupta

On my way to create innovative & interesting tech & marketing content for my readers. Technology researcher, content marketer & traveller by heart.